About the Program

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5 Reasons To Join The CEO Accelerator Program

1. Connect

Join a cohort, build meaningful friendships, benefit from peer coaching and accountability and birth fresh collaborations.

2. Engage

Participate in impactful learning events, anchored by a uniquely crafted curriculum designed to fit into the busy work schedule of a Business Leader.

3. Expand Curiosity

Boost your leadership effectiveness by breaking barriers to learning and expanding your curiosity by adopting 5 core skills routinely use by top leaders.

4. Enhance Wellbeing

Exude self-care, develop tactics to minimize stress and take control of your calendar to improve wellness for yourself and your organisation.

5. Accelerate Impact

Achieve accelerated performance and impact by harnessing the power of 5 critical Accelerators used by elite Business Leaders globally

The CEO Accelerator Program: The Journey


5 Core Routines of CEOs

These are the foundational skills used routinely by top business leaders but never taught on any MBA Program. The Core Routines include: Learning, Reflection, Enquiry, Feedback, Shaping Context, Purposeful Leadership, etc.

Each Micro Action learning Pack (MAPs) for a Core CEO Routine includes a short reading, videos, actionable insights, reflection prompts, practical assignments etc. This 1st part of the Core curriculum is delivered online and can be completed in 12 weeks. The next learning module on the CEO Accelerator Program is the CEO Accelerators

5 CEO Accelerators

We believe every business leader’s impact is defined by the effective management of the executive calendar and anchored on the application of the 5 Accelerators. Hence every business leader on the program takes an assessment that evaluates their practice of the 5 CEO Accelerators in their leadership. This leads to realignment of time and energy and enhances the focus on high value activities.

Each Accelerator offers 12 Practice Ideas and each Practice Idea offer 3 Implementation Actions, giving a total of 180 unique Actions that can be applied immediately by the business leader for accelerated impact.

CEO Masterclass

CEO Masterclass centered on the Accelerators provide opportunities for discussions, sharing of experience and in-depth learning on each Accelerator.
Previous editions of the CEO Masterclass focused on the following themes:

  1. Accelerating Employee Engagement in Disruptive Times
  2. Align to Accelerate
  3. Building Leadership Legacies
  4. Assessing the Value and Impact of your Leadership Style
  5. Creating Strategic Alignment
  6. Decision Making
  7. Developing Adaptive Leadership
  8. How Leaders Create the Future Today
  9. Leadership Curiosity
  10. Mission Clarity and Purpose
  11. Personal Leadership Excellence
  12. Why Smart Executives Fail and How to be a CEO for Good
Leadership Accelerator Diary

An exclusive Leadership Accelerator Diary uniquely designed for Business Leaders to bake the Accelerators into leadership. The Leadership Accelerator Diary supports Business Leaders to set SMART Goals in line with their mission and focus their limited time budget on the 5 Accelerators guided by the 60 Practice Ideas for Action.
Below are thoughts of some members who used the Leadership Accelerator Diary.

  • "It forced me to organize my thoughts, summarise, and actually write them down as often as possible. It helps me to put structure to what I want to achieve weekly and monthly. It has enabled me to reflect as often as possible guided by what I had put down. Very helpful!"
  • "It's been a really powerful tool. My 90 Day Plans are so clear to me."
  • "I have been setting goals but this is better and a more rigorous approach, it makes your goals achievable"
Click below to apply to join the next Cohort starting soon