Membership Options

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CEO Accelerator Assessment Coaching

1 CEO Accelerator Assessment

E-book on 5 CEO Accelerators and 60 Ideas for Action with 180 Action Guides

Debrief and Coaching Session

CEO Accelerator Diary

Sharpening the Saw:
5 Critical CEO Routines

Access to Online Learning Platform with Modules on the 5 Critical Routines of Effective CEOs

Each module consists of short videos, readings, self-assessments and exercises

Modules are easy to digest, insight rich and packed with actionable ideas to be implemented immediately

Each module takes less than 60 minutes to complete

CEO Live Masterclass and Insights

Participate in 6 Live CEO Moment of Truth Masterclasses

Access to 10 previous Masterclasses recordings (the list keep growing)

Receive CEO Weekly Insights


CEO Accelerator
Program Full Membership

All Options plus

Access to Exclusive CEO Accelerator Community with Alumni Benefits

Receive peer coaching and accountability

Participate in CEO Breakfast Retreats

Unlimited Mini Coaching Sessions

Participate in other CEO Accelerator Program Activities including the CEO 40 Day Challenge